Accessibility statement

​We strive to provide a maximum user experience on the website for the general public, including people with disabilities, we have invested a lot of effort in order to enable, facilitate and optimize the use of the website with an emphasis on the needs of this public.

How accessibility is reflected on the site
Possibility of navigation using keyboard only and easy identification of the area in focus
Change color contrast (dark background color)
Highlight links (activated when changing color contrast)
Changing text color and background color for the visually impaired and color blind (enabled when changing color contrast)
Accessibility of menus, forms, title hierarchy, tab component, pop-up windows and more
[Site map / search mechanism] for easy and quick access to the various website pages
Accessibility statement with an explanation of compatibility, gaps and accessibility responsible
The suitability of accessibility was checked with auxiliary means such as screens and various devices.

How to use the accessibility plugin
The accessibility plugin is active all the time on the website and there is no need for any special action to activate it,
Clicking on the change colors button in the plugin changes background color, changes text color and highlights links.
Keyboard navigation by using the TAB button to jump to different content areas.

Browser and operating system compatibility
The site was tested in browsers:
Chrome (google chrome) and Mozilla Firefox (mozilla firefox) in their latest versions
The site has been tested on operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 10, Android 8, iPhone 10

Inaccessible components and areas
We are aware of the fact that there are several components on the site that are not partially or fully accessible, unfortunately we are unable to make these components and areas accessible and we are making efforts to locate accessible alternatives.
Here is the list of components and areas that are not accessible on the site:
Third party components - Google map, sharing buttons, facebook block

Unfortunately, despite the many efforts and resources we have invested in making the site accessible, some of the content may still be less accessible, so if you nevertheless encountered a gap in accessibility that interferes and makes it difficult to browse the site properly and easily - we will be happy to receive your inquiry on the matter to the email - ​. My apologies in advance.